Welcome movement family.

This program is created to support the exploration of yourself through movement, while connecting to our each individual body part.  

Body Movement is the language of our soul. Each one we make speaks volumes louder than any words. 

Each class intention:
* Refining your movement quality
* Exploring body mechanics
* Breath & muscle connection * Dance conditioning 
* Afro Latin synergy techniques
* Understanding movement beyond style
* Stretching and opening your whole body to new ways of moving.  

Your body can speak, so show me, what would you love to say? 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Body Movement & Isolation Guided Classes

    • Lower Part Of The Body ( With Explanation )

    • Lower Part Of The Body Practice (Only Music)

    • Upper Part Of The Body Practice ( Only Music )

    • Full Body ( With Explanation )

    • Full Body Practice ( Only Music )

    • Unity of Lower & Upper Body ( Core Focus )


Master Teacher

Nemanja Sonero

Since young age, i have been passionately devoting myself to movement, music, self development and in that journey i have experienced and received the most beautiful gifts of life.
Diving into different forms of traditional and modern dances from across the world, there i found my calling, my path, which lead me into an amazing journey of 20+ years teaching and sharing my gifts.
Now i get the chance to share all this knowledge and experience with you all, here on this beautiful online academy.

Together we will dive into the magic of dance, movement and connection. "Sun or rain, day or night, just, dance".

Warm dance hugs