Welcome dear brother. 

This program is created to support the development of your unique individual style. 
To master the connection to ourselves and our partners.

Our aim is to also connect Men from all over the world and create a brotherhood space, where we promote a authentic and healthy masculine in life and dance. 

To amplify the archetype of a gentleman and a friend.
The one who expresses and leads with confidence and clarity. 
The one who is there for his brothers and the community. 

A warm welcome for the King in you. 

This is your time to rise. 

This is a 5 day online journey into the Kizomba Kingdom of Men. 

You will receive: 

🌀  Lifetime video 
 🌀 1 Self Development Guided Journey: "Meeting The King In You".
🌀 Diploma of accomplishment

This beautiful program will teach you to :

🕺🏽 Explore and develop your own authentic style

🕺🏽 Connect deeper to yourself & your partner
🕺🏽 Stretch and open your whole body to new ways of moving
🕺🏽 Various techniques you can train on your own and later use in partner work
🕺🏽 Move with style and flow
🕺🏽 Empower yourself as a dancer and a man
🕺🏽 Explore other styles in connection to Kizomba
🕺🏽 Deepen your confidence

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Ricardo Sousa - Ginga Improvement Journey

    • Intro

    • Exercise 1 ( Part 1 )

    • Exercise 1 ( Part 2 )

    • Exercise 1 ( Part 3 )

    • Exercise 1 ( With Music )

    • Exercise 2

    • Exercise 2 ( With Music )

    • Exercise 3

    • Exercise 3 ( With Music )

    • Combo

    • Combo ( With Music )

    • Outro

  • 2

    Felicien Rossa - Master the connection

    • Intro

    • Transmission

    • Outro

  • 3

    Kind Chamalo - Playful Footwork Through Foundation

    • Intro

    • Warmup

    • First Technique

    • First Technique ( With Music )

    • First Technique ( Part 2 )

    • Lazy Ancle

    • Rotation & New Technique & Also with Music

    • Lazy Feet

    • Knee Technique

    • Foot Placement

    • All Together with Music

    • Outro

  • 4

    Nemanja Sonero - Body Movement & Isolation

    • Nemanja - Intro

    • Transmission Practices

    • Nemanja - Outro

  • 5

    Fluidity of Movement & Grounded Flow Connection

    • Warm Up & Into The Practices & Techniques

    • Q&A and Feedback for the students

  • 6

    Meeting The King In You

    • Most Free & Alive Self Meditation with Nemanja Sonero (Audio)

This course is for you to...

  • Develop your own style

  • Deepen your confidence

  • Refine your technique

Your Teachers

Felicien Rossa

Félicien discoverd the dance at the age of 11. He started with ballroom and swing (rock’n’roll, lindy-hop, acrobatic rock). A few years later he discovered the latin dances (salsa cuban and portorican, bachata), and after that west coast swing and tango argentin. He combined his musicality, techniques and creativity to become the dancer he is. He stand out because of his authenticity and innovation, combining the basics of this Angolan dance and his own influences.
Felicien Rossa

Nemanja Sonero

Nemanja Sonero is known as one of the most versatile and famous dancers from South East Europe. Since young age, he studied classical as well as contemporary ballet, capoeira, Afro, Afro-Brasilian, Afro-Cuban folk dance, hip hop, tango, etc… His first contact with semba music was in 2004, and in 2006/7 he encountered kizomba. After that he worked with many different teacher from Angola, Cape Verde and Portugal who influenced and motivated him to develop his own unique smooth and precise style which got him known all over Europe and the world.

Ricardo Sousa

Afro-Latin dance company founded in September 2005. Paula Loureiro and Ricardo Sousa, its artistic directors, choreographers and dancers, have danced together since 2000. The company is currently made up of 8 dancers. Due to wide knowledge and diverse training they acquired along the years, their show is a unique mixture of different styles of dance. In 2007 and 2008, they won the title of the best Portuguese teachers. In 2009, they won in the category of best Portuguese Show at the Top Dance Awards and were nominated for best choreographers at the Portugal Dance Awards in the world dances category. They are also official judges of the international kizomba competition “Africadançar”.

King Chamalo

"With the vision of a Hip-hop dancer" - Chamalo started his dance career within the Hip-hop scene and later on moved his knowledge and musicality into the couple dance Kizomba. 2016 he competed and became the world champion in Kizomba, a new title that enabled him to travel around the world to teach and perform. In this interview, you will get to know how a boy from a suburb of Paris ended up owning his own dance school in the Netherlands and how the mindset of a world champion works.